Menopause – “Changing” women share their experiences
menoelle® and Lemondays present a web series on the topic ‘Changing women’ – together with 6 wonderful women, we explain the menopause and attempt to break down the taboos surrounding the topic. “Changing” women speak to us openly about their personal experiences during the menopause.

Our trailer for the new web series: Meet our protagonists and find out more about their experiences during the menopause. All of them speak to us about their personal experiences during this time of change. Openly and without any taboos. Every woman experiences it differently, but it represents a new stage of life for each one. Together with Angela Löhr from menopause magazine, we wanted to find out what the menopause means for women and how it shapes their lives: How does it feel? How does it change their lives? How can I deal with it? We think it’s high time to have an open conversation about it.

How open is our society when it comes to a topic affecting more than half of humanity, and which affects millions of women in Germany?

This time, our brave interview partners talk about specific menopausal complaints.

This episode is about the unpleasant side effects of the menopause, about physical restrictions and strenuous changes.

What do women hope from the changes during the menopause and what would they advise younger women?

There are touching statements about letting go and starting fresh, about increased pleasure and the finality of life as well as on libido and sexuality.
We would like to thank all those who took part in the production of our web series! A special thanks goes out to our 6 protagonists, who so bravely and confidently shared with us about their “life during the change”. Design and implementation: Lemondays in cooperation with the menoelle expert team. Our heartfelt thanks to Angela Löhr, Chief Editor of the first German magazine for menopausal women, Lemondays.