Vertigo during the menopause
Vertigo takes many forms and can feel as if everything is spinning around, like the ground is swaying beneath your feet or that you are going down in an elevator. Vertigo during the menopause is one of numerous side effects that this time can bring with it. Read more in this article to find out what lies behind it and what you can do about it.

Vertigo during the menopause: Signs and symptoms
Temporary vertigo can occur now and then and usually has a harmless cause. Low blood pressure or a low blood sugar level, tension in the neck or lack of sleep can cause vertigo. Persistent or recurring vertigo is not rare, and as we get older, the likelihood of suffering vertigo increases for various reasons.

The human balance system is located in the ear and can be disrupted, for example, by circulation disorders resulting from age-related calcification (known as arteriosclerosis) or through inflammations in the balance nerve. In the same way, a migraine or mental causes like panic attacks can trigger vertigo. A range of medication such as calming and sleep medication, antidepressants and medication for migraines or high blood pressure can lead to vertigo as a side effect or if taken too much. Hormonal fluctuations during the menopause can also cause a feeling of vertigo in some women, with various types of vertigo being distinguished.
Types of vertigo
Rotary vertigo: Everything is spinning and feels like a carousel ride or as if you have had too much to drink.
Staggering vertigo: Instability and a wobbly walk associated with a tendency to fall.
Positional vertigo: Vertigo as far as fainting when standing up too quickly.
Vertigo during the menopause – What you need to know
You may feel like everything is spinning around you. Vertigo may cause you to lose your balance, fall or even faint, possibly accompanied by other symptoms such as sweating, nausea or vomiting.
The precise causes of vertigo during the menopause are not conclusively clarified. What is certain is that the changes in hormone concentration can impact the circulation and blood vessels. This results in fluctuations in blood pressure, causing sudden attacks of vertigo. The cause is often too low blood pressure, with too little oxygenated blood being pumped into the brain. This creates a lack of oxygen in the brain, which creates a feeling of drowsiness and vertigo.
Vertigo can also occur in conjunction with other menopausal complaints, such as in combination with hot flushes. Just like with the menopausal complaints of rapid heartbeat, hot flushes, headaches and tinnitus, feelings of vertigo are also disruptions to the vegetative nervous system.
The changes in the hormone levels can also confuse the sense of balance in the ear, which can also trigger feelings of vertigo. Rotary or staggering vertigo are the result, accompanied by nausea and vomiting in the worst case. Especially often, disruptions to the sense of balance reveal themselves when you get out of bed or out of a chair too quickly.
Vertigo during the menopause: Prevention and treatment
If you suffer from feelings of vertigo more often, there are several things you can do to improve your quality of life.
There are several household remedies and measures that help with vertigo. These include:
Get out into the fresh air: Get out into the fresh air and slowly breathe in and out. This supplies the brain with oxygen and clears your head. If the vertigo is not causing you too much discomfort, then a short walk in the fresh air is a good idea.
Drink a glass of water: If you drink too little, the blood flow slows down and the oxygen and nutrient supply becomes worse, which can lead to circulation problems. Therefore you should drink at least two litres of water or unsweetened tea a day.
Focus on one point: When everything is spinning, it also helps if you pick out a certain point and focus on it. This stabilises your perception and calms you down again.
The wonderful tuber of ginger: Ginger promotes circulation in the brain and the essential oils help with accompanying nausea. If you need a quick fix, simply chew on a small piece of raw ginger. If you have time, you can brew a ginger tea or prepare a tasty ginger shot.
Eliminate low blood sugar: Often, vertigo comes down to low blood sugar. A piece of chocolate, a banana or other naturally sugary foods quickly raise the blood sugar level and help improve things quickly in this case.
Stand up slowly: If you suffer from orthostatic complaints, i.e. your circulation drops when standing up, you should get used to standing up slowly, whether from a chair or in the morning out of bed. Take a look around you to see what you can hold onto if you have doubts.
Avoid stimulants: Nicotine and alcohol can reinforce your symptoms. Therefore, you should avoid both of these stimulants if you suffer from vertigo.
Have a health check carried out with your GP regularly. From the age of 35, this health check-up is paid for by the statutory health insurance fund in Germany every three years. Something different may apply if you have private insurance or have an additional health insurance policy. Along with too low blood pressure, an iron deficiency as well as a deficiency in blood sugar level may be responsible for vertigo.
From the age of 45, it is worth having your blood pressure measured every time you visit the doctor. This is usually done without prior prompting.
Fortunately, vertigo is one of the rarer side effects of the menopause and only occurs in around 33% of all menopausal women.
Vertigo occurs particularly during the perimenopause and the early postmenopause, with the hormone-based complaints lessening later on. However, a moving transition to age-related vertigo is possible.
The natural medicinal herb extract EstroG-100® alleviates numerous discomforts during the menopause and is highly effective against vertigo. Clinical studies have shown a significant reduction in the occurrence of vertigo of around 78%.
Unlike all other remedies for menopausal symptoms, menoelle® tablets do not come with any usage restrictions. What’s more, they are not known to have any undesirable effects, meaning you can alleviate your symptoms with menoelle® long term.
menoelle® and vertigo
Thanks to their holistic mode of action, menoelle® tablets are the means of choice for the effective, hormone-free and well-tolerated alleviation of menopausal symptoms, particularly if a classic or herbal hormone therapy is not possible or desired.
menoelle® tablets are also a reasonable alternative if other products are not effective enough or cannot be considered due to their risk of side effects or their restrictions of use.

menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.
menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.
Cue: Visit the doctor
You should visit your doctor if you have particularly intense vertigo attacks or these occur often, making you feel uncomfortable and causing you to suffer. It is important to first get a precise diagnosis to clarify the cause of your feelings of vertigo.
Precise knowledge of the underlying cause is required to be able to initiate targeted therapy. It may also be necessary to be referred to different specialist doctors such as in the ENT or neurology departments.

Ginger is very healthy, strengthens the immune system and helps with many complaints, particularly with nausea. Ginger shots are very popular and are easy to prepare at home. All that you need is fresh ginger, lemons and if needed, some liquid sweetener such as honey or agave syrup. If it tastes better for you, you can also add some apple juice or use oranges instead of lemons. You can find suitable recipes online.
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