Comfortable weight during the menopause

Comfortable weight during the menopause

Women often notice that they gain weight during the menopause, and like to blame their hormones. This is only partly true.

Women often notice that they gain weight during the menopause, and like to blame their hormones.

But the age-related weight gain can be counteracted by making a few life changes. The right weight is not only good for the self-confidence of each individual, but a normal weight or moderate overweight also comes with health benefits.

  • Food with low energy content & high nutrient content
    As we get older, above all else, food with a low energy content (and a high nutrient density) should be part of your meal plan. These are usually low-processed foods such as vegetables, salads, pulses, fruit, potatoes, wholegrain products, low-fat dairy products and lean meat. The positive side effect is that these foods have a high nutrient content, especially as important nutrients are no longer absorbed so well when we are older.
  • Proteins for muscle preservation
    Conscious consumption of protein products can partly prevent the breakdown of muscles. This does not always have to be animal protein, as many plant-based foods also contain valuable protein. Good supplies of protein are fish, lean meat, beans, peas, lentils, low-fat milk and dairy products, soy products, nuts and vegetables such as spinach, green beans and broccoli or even cress and mushrooms.
  • Avoid food with high energy density
    For breakfast, readymade muesli or cornflakes, for lunch a quick hamburger, Italian pizza or pasta with creamy sauce and some some nice ciabatta to go with it in the evening. And in between, a few sweets, snacks in front of the TV, perhaps even an alcoholic beverage. Like many other high-processed foods, these calorie bombs usually offer nothing except empty calories and should be enjoyed as sparingly as possible.
  • Sport and exercise
    Moderate sport and sufficient exercise do good in every phase of life. They stimulate the metabolism, increase metabolic rate, boost energy consumption and avoid or reduce overweight. At the same time, sport has a mood-boosting effect; you simply feel better.

Hot flushes during the menopause – What to do?

Hot flushes during the menopause – What to do?

Hitzewallungen, vermehrtes Schwitzen und Nachtschweiß gehören zu den häufigsten Begleiterscheinungen in den Wechseljahren. Hitzewallungen sind eine Reaktion des Körpers auf den sinkenden Östrogenspiegel und treten vor allem in der Anfangszeit der Wechseljahre auf. Im Laufe der Zeit legen sie sich wieder.

Hitzewallungen in den Wechseljahren – viele Frauen werden damit konfrontiert.

Hitzewallungen beginnen meist im Brustbereich und breiten sich wie eine heiße Welle über den Hals und Kopf in die Oberarme aus. Das Herz schlägt schneller und es kann zu Hautrötungen und Schweißausbrüchen kommen. Die Episoden sind üblicherweise relativ kurz und dauern meist nur wenige Minuten, allerdings können sie mehrmals am Tag auftreten. Hitzewallungen sind letztlich vor allem lästig und unangenehm. Was also tun?

Als einfache Regel gilt:
  • Möglichst alles vermeiden, was Hitzewallungen begünstigt. Also sind Genussmittel wie Kaffee, schwarzer Tee, Alkohol und Zigaretten sowie scharfe Gewürze wie Ingwer oder Chili oder auch schweres Essen zu meiden oder reduzieren. Auch Übergewicht kann zu leichterem Schwitzen führen, deshalb ist es günstig, Normalgewicht zu halten oder anzustreben. Und vielleicht hilft es, den Kleidungsstil anzupassen, eine flexible Kleidung (der sogenannte Zwiebellook) lässt sich leichter anpassen als zu warme, dicke Kleidung. Ebenso sind Naturfasern besser geeignet als synthetisches Material.
  • Gleichzeitig für eine gesunde Lebensweise mit ausgewogener Ernährung und mit ausreichend Bewegung und Yoga für Ausgleich und Entspannung sorgen.
    Optimal ist eine leichte Ernährung mit viel Gemüse und Obst und ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr (am besten mindestens 2 Liter Mineralwasser oder ungesüßten Tee täglich). Positiv wirkt sich auch Bewegung und Sport aus, sei es im Alltag (mal auf das Auto oder den Aufzug verzichten) oder beim Walken, Radfahren, Spazierengehen oder Wandern. Zum gezielten Stressabbau und für Entspannung eignen sich beispielsweise Yoga, autogenes Training oder Tai Chi.
  • Tipp bei übermäßigem Schwitzen und Nachtschweiß: Salbei
    Salbei ist als aromatisches Gewürz aus der mediterranen Küche durch Gerichte wie Saltimbocca bekannt. Salbei ist auch eine wertvolle Heilpflanze und hilft nicht nur bei Entzündungen im Mund- und Rachenraum, sondern auch bei vermehrtem Schwitzen. Dazu einfach täglich morgens und abends eine Tasse Salbeitee trinken, wobei gegen Nachtschweiß kalter Salbeitee besser geeignet ist.
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This time, our brave interview partners talk about specific menopausal complaints.

Menopause: A testimonial by our customer Michaela

Menopause: A testimonial by our customer Michaela

Meno-what? I think I’m going through the menopause! So, now I’ve said it. It’s out. Now what? He looks at me as if he’d like to do nothing more than disappear.

Him: “And what does that mean?” Hmm? That’s a damn good question. I look at him, he looks at me. Two adults who have had and almost fully raised two children and we have no idea how to answer this question, not even me…

“And what does that mean?”

I make a decision there and then that I’ll go to the doctor and stability starts to return. The doctor is a professional. He’ll know what to do. He knows what he’s doing and will tell me what’s going on. It feels strange. Is it not my body? Do I really need a professional to explain it to me? I feel somewhat helpless. “Should I come with you?” he asks. “Well, I’m not sick,” I answer. Is that true?

The doctor confirms it, I’m not sick. Menopause is completely normal. Blah blah blah. Not for me. I will get more symptoms, such as hot flushes – just wonderful, right in the middle of summer.

And then there’s the sex thing. He and I have been together for 20 years. Sometimes more, sometimes less sex, sometimes better, sometimes worse. We have gone through pregnancies and children, stolen minutes and hours away at all kinds of places. For the first time in years, we have time for each other again. We have morning sex again!

And now here’s another obstacle that we’re going to have to deal with, that I’m going to have to deal with.

The menopause isn’t really filling me with excitement right now.

My doctor recommends some reading material to me, talks about a new phase of life, a change that’s more than just physical. I’m just tired and want everything to stay as it was.

When I come home, he’s there. In the middle of the day. He’s taken the day off and is waiting for me. He’s spent all morning reading about the menopause. Then he takes my arm and I start crying. A bit like with my first period. Back then, I cried on my mother’s shoulders. Or during my first pregnancy. Everything was different and new and I wasn’t ready. My first period was almost 40 years ago and since then, my body and I have been through so much. I now wear the scars and signs of the times with a different kind of ease, even with pride and love. And when I think about it, I now know what’s most important. I have to listen to myself, understand my body and my needs and be kind to myself – physically, mentally and spiritually, I need to let myself be me. I’ll help myself to be helped and go along with this new chapter of my story, which will be part of me like all the others before it.

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This time, our brave interview partners talk about specific menopausal complaints.


The menoelle editorial team would like to thank our customer Michaela for the testimonial that she posted us. We are always delighted to receive ideas, suggestions and testimonials from our customers.

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menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

„The new hormone-free alternative during the menopause.“


„Women going through the menopause swear by this product.“


„The new EstroG-100® plant extract works during the menopause.“


How do hot flushes feel? An attempt at a description!

How do hot flushes feel? An attempt at a description!

They usually start in the face and spread out like a wildfire in the truest sense of the word across the neck, chest and upper arms. Hot flushes always come right when women need them the least.

Feeling hot and excessive sweating during the menopause.

They usually start in the face and spread out like a wildfire in the truest sense of the word across the neck, chest and upper arms. Hot flushes always come right when women need them the least. Fans of Asian, Arabian or South American cuisine with their spicy dishes know this feeling of our body going haywire all too well. All of a sudden, the small veins of the skin expand and are more intensely circulated. The skin becomes warmer and redder. Now, to regulate this, the pores open up and you start sweating. And this does what it technically should – it cools the surface of our skin. In the Mexican sun, it makes sense to cool down in this way. The chills after a hot flush in Germany, however, are often just as unpleasant as the heat and the excessive sweating before them.

And why does this all happen? Sometimes, it is all thanks to the good old hormones that manage our bodily functions. The hormonal changes that the body inevitably goes through during the menopause influence the vegetative nervous system, the part that regulates automatic processes such as breathing and blood pressure, i.e. which work without any deliberate interference. And so, we are the mercy of hot flushes. Or perhaps not?

Hormones can be tricked. Many women, for example, take the hormonal pill for birth control to trick the body into believing they are already pregnant. Hormonal solutions are also available for the menopause. But women have gradually become more and more skeptical towards these in recent years. Regularly taking artificial preparations contradicts the body’s feeling and the consciousness of many modern women.

Thanks to research, another path has been available for around 10 years, which relies on the power of plants. EstroG-100® and menoelle® is truly a natural miracle weapon that accompanies you through the menopause and can be taken without any cares to tackle the tedious side effects of the menopause.


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

EstroG-100® – The perfect marriage of research and tradition

EstroG-100® – The perfect marriage of research and tradition

Oestrogen, hormone preparations… in a well-researched woman’s ear, they all sound a bit skeptical nowadays. For too long, we were not informed enough about certain products and side effects were simply accepted.

The natural medicinal herb extract EstroG-100® alleviates numerous discomforts during the menopause. Unlike all other remedies for menopausal symptoms, menoelle® tablets do not come with any usage restrictions. What’s more, they are not known to have any undesirable effects, meaning you can alleviate your symptoms with menoelle® long term.

Oestrogen, hormone preparations… in a well-researched woman’s ear, they all sound a bit skeptical nowadays. For too long, we were not informed enough about certain products and side effects were simply accepted. Now, many women pay special attention to only take artificial medication if absolutely necessary and to live in greater harmony with their body and their womanhood. According to surveys, more and more people are dealing with their natural cycles and processes. It quickly becomes clear what a masterpiece our body is, how everything works together in harmony and has its purpose.

That does not mean that it is always easy. Quite the opposite – changes in the body and our living situation often come with side effects that can cause some tough problems.

But we believe that no woman should have to resign themselves to this fate. And thank goodness, there is no longer a need to walk the line between handling bodily functions naturally and treating unpleasant side effects. Over 10 years ago, EstroG-100®, the main component of menoelle® was invented and has gradually proven itself ever since. The patented blend consists of pure plant extracts. Using the “hot water extraction method”, the best properties are obtained from the roots of the plants Phlomis Umbrosa, Cynanchum Wilfordii and Angelica Gigas.

In actual fact, these three “power ladies” have a centuries-old history in Korean culture and are already used with care there. Thanks to modern research and innovative manufacturing methods, we are now able to pool the power of the three roots easily into one coordinated daily dose. EstroG-100® is therefore the latest development in the field of plant-based products for the menopause.

EstroG-100® is the wonderful marriage of century-old traditions, proven Korean plant power and state-of-the-art innovation and research. EstroG-100® shows that you do not always have to re-invent the wheel, but rather just modernise the means of transport.


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

„The new hormone-free alternative during the menopause.“


„Women going through the menopause swear by this product.“


„The new EstroG-100® plant extract works during the menopause.“


A letter to the menopause

A letter to the menopause

from our reader Silvia (aged 49)

Dear Menopause,

Why can’t I just cure you with a Porsche? Not that I could afford one, but right now I’d rather define myself with a flashy red car than run away from my date to stuff paper towels under my armpits in the bathroom… although I admit that with this one, I’m still on the fence as to whether I’d rather go back to the bar or just home. But that’s another topic!

Right now, I don’t feel the need to let someone get close to me. And to be honest, I suspect you have something to do with that.

I know that I need to embrace you, you new phase of life, to celebrate myself for all that my body has done for me. With my body, my temple of purity. But quite frankly, no thank you! I won’t accept that. That’s it.

Dear Menopause, I’m breaking up with you!

I never wanted kids, I just never felt the need. Nobody understood. “Later,” they said, “Later you’ll be glad that you did it.” Later is now and I’m glad that I didn’t listen to them. My life is mine and mine alone. Children are wonderful, but just not for me. That’s why I’ve always had a fractured relationship with my reproductive organs and everything that they bring every month, or rather what they allow. And now the end is supposed to look like this? That this “aunt” who always shows up invited properly demolishes the apartment the last time around?

Not with me. My life is mine. I’m going to scale this mountain too and nothing is going to hold me back. I’m going to muzzle and tie up the “aunt” until she finally chooses to leave. Thank God that they grow herbs to deal with annoying aunts…


The menoelle editorial team would like to thank our customer Silvia for the testimonial that she posted us. We are always delighted to receive ideas, suggestions and testimonials from our customers.

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Hot flushes – A testimonial by our reader Julie B.

Hot flushes – A testimonial

by our reader Julie B.

I’m standing in front of my colleagues and finally have the chance to present my idea, when it happens. I feel the heat spreading through me, as if someone has set off a firework inside me. It’s nothing new. First I’m a bit queasy and then gradually, I become warmer and warmer from the inside. Only a few seconds left and the hot flush will start to show on the outside.

I start sweating and my face gets red and blotchy. My scalp is glowing. First I start to stutter, lose track of things and look into the helpless eyes of my colleagues. The confusion that slowly turns into second-hand embarrassment is written on their faces. I babble something about that “I just have to…” and then I run out of the room, quickly to the toilet and into one of the cubicles.

Now I’m sitting on the toilet with the lid closed and wheezing. I gradually try to get my breathing back under control. Breathe in, breathe out… bit by bit, I calm down. My temperature too.

Outside, I stand in front of the mirror and look at the red blotches, watching them slowly fade. I go into my office and let the secretary know to tell my colleagues I have to go home. Nobody is used to seeing me out of control here, or even weak. Maybe tomorrow we can act as if nothing happened.


The menoelle editorial team would like to thank our customer Julie for the testimonial that she posted us. We are always delighted to receive ideas, suggestions and testimonials from our customers.

Share your story


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

„The new hormone-free alternative during the menopause.“


„Women going through the menopause swear by this product.“


„The new EstroG-100® plant extract works during the menopause.“


What can you do for your bone health?

What can you do for your bone health?

Every women should confront this question no later than the menopause, as osteoporosis – a bone disease – occurs in women later and more frequently.

As we get older, bone mass in women and men alike gradually falls, virtually as a normal aging process. More severely pronounced bone dissipation of this nature is called osteoporosis, with the risk of bone breaks increased due to the decrease in bone density. In women, the oestrogen deficiency caused by the menopause is a key risk factor.

Osteoporosis is a slow process and remains undetected for a long time. Only once it has reached an advanced stage does it make itself noticeable through back problems, bone pain and an increased tendency towards bone breaks (mainly from trivial causes). The formation of a rounded back (known as a dowager’s hump) and an associated decrease in size are typical.

Osteoporosis is mainly a female issue: At the age of 50–60 years, 15–20% of women experience osteoporosis, with almost half of women over 70 affected.

There are three main tips you should follow for your bone health:

Healthy bones need calcium and vitamin D3. In particular, dairy products and vegetable varieties such as cabbage, broccoli and fennel are rich in calcium. Some mineral waters also supply notable amounts of calcium (more than 150 mg/l).

Vitamin D3 is not called the sun vitamin for nothing, with the body able to produce around 80% of its requirement by regularly spending time outdoors. Above all, fatty fish, eggs, mushrooms and avocado are rich in vitamin D3.

What’s more: menolle® contains plenty of vitamin D and calcium, meaning you can cover your recommended daily requirement according to European NRV values with 2 capsules a day.

Avoid bone robbers: Coffee, cooking salt, phosphate-based foods (mainly cheese, pulses, fast food and cola) or even laxatives reduce absorption from food, promote excretion or take calcium away from the bones. Tip: Spinach and chard are often cited as good sources of calcium, but they also contain oxalic acid, causing the calcium to be poorly utilised.

Excess nicotine and alcohol consumption also have a detrimental effect on bone health. Several studies have proven that smoking reduces bone density by stimulating bone-degrading substances (known as osteoclasts). Alcohol promotes the elimination of calcium and reduces the formation of vitamin D3 in the liver.

Move your bones: A lack of exercise promotes the formation of osteoporosis, meaning that regular exercise is good for health bones, and is best done in the fresh air – the key word here is the sun vitamin.


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

How is the EstroG-100® extract from menoelle® produced?

How is the EstroG-100® extract from menoelle® produced?

The EstroG-100® extract is the wonderful marriage of century-old traditions, proven Korean plant power and state-of-the-art innovation and research.

EstroG-100® has already won a number of international prizes and is probably one of the most successful herbal extracts to come from South Korea. The most significant awards are: Best Botanical Award 2014 (USA), World-Class Product Award 2011 (South Korea), Gold Medal Inventions Geneva 2008 (Switzerland). EstroG-100® has already been sold in the USA, Canada and South Korea for many years – already over 10 million times on account of its good tolerability. In 2017, EstroG-100® was approved as a Novel Food by the EFSA (European Food and Safety Authority) and is now finally also permitted to be sold in Europe.

The three medicinal herbs are grown in selected contracted farms in the Korean mountains to ensure consistent quality and purity in the EstroG extract. At the ICHEON site, a state-of-the-art production facility certified in line with international technological standards, the ingredients are carefully obtained from the roots using hot water extraction and then spray-dried within seconds to form the EstroG-100® extract.

Production of the EstroG-100® extract is subject to a strict quality control and includes extensive testing at all production steps. The raw material and the EstroG-100® extract are tested for 250 different pesticides and heavy metals (such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury) as well as microbial purity. The modern production facilities are supervised by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and operate according to international production standards (such as GMP and HACCP).

Relaxed through the menopause with yoga

Relaxed through the menopause with yoga

The menopause is – often not only in terms of hormones – a transition to a new phase of life and is a challenge for many women.

The menopause is – often not only in terms of hormones – a transition to a new phase of life and is a challenge for many women.

During this phase, it is all the more important to break down stress and find ways to relax: Yoga, meditation, autogenic training, breathing therapy or Tai Chi, to name the most important options.

Yoga has a calming and balancing effect in many people, particularly due to its breathing exercises and meditation. Physical exercises known as asanas, are the third component of yoga and a good way of improving how you feel in your body. The asanas help to improve posture, flexibility of the movement apparatus and physical endurance. At the same time, the asanas stimulate or improve some physical functions, such as blood circulation, pulmonary function or metabolic processes.

Especially for menopausal women, so-called hormonal yoga is available alongside general yoga.

Hormonal yoga connects physical and breathing exercises which favourably affect the hormonal and mental balance of women during the menopause. Hormonal yoga naturally activates hormone production and at the same time, helps with stress breakdown and relaxation.