What you should be aware of with vaginal gel

What you should be aware of with vaginal gel

Almost half of all menopausal and post-menopausal women develop what is known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause along with its negative effects on quality of life and sex life.

The drop in oestrogen level prevents the interior and exterior walls of the vagina from being supplied optimally, causing them to rescind. A vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) can arise, which usually goes hand in hand with vaginal dryness and can take the form of itching, burning and pain during intercourse. In addition, it can lead to disruptions in bladder function, such as bladder weakness, urinary incontinence or bladder infection.

Despite being so widespread, little information is available about the problem of vaginal dryness. Only few women seek medical advice, most likely out of embarrassment. According to recent surveys, not even half of all menopausal women have done something to treat their vaginal dryness. But a range of over-the-counter (i.e. hormone-free) and prescription (i.e. hormonal) remedies are available.

The issue is not about whether or not to use hormones in the treatment, but rather to actually get treated. A more recent clinical study found that every form of treatment – regardless of whether hormonal or not – relieves the vaginal complaints of vaginal dryness and the treatment should mainly align with the patient’s individual preferences.1

What you need to know about vaginal moisturisers

Vaginal moisturisers are an effective treatment option for vaginal dryness, especially for women who would prefer to stay away from the use of hormonal preparations and are looking for a natural, hormone-free remedy. Vaginal moisturisers reduce friction with thin and dry vaginal tissue, preventing unpleasant burning and itching sensations, as well as infections. Hormone-free vaginal gels are particularly recommended for a typical case of vaginal dryness.

Meanwhile, prescription hormonal vaginal medications are mainly used to tackle more severe forms of vaginal atrophy.

Vaginal moisturisers are not to be confused with lubricants, which are mainly intended for problems with intercourse due to vaginal dryness and are aimed at helping relieve discomfort and pain. Lubricants are therefore only used if needed.

Vaginal gel moisturisers rehydrate dry mucosal tissue and are absorbed by the skin. They stick to the vaginal mucosa and imitate natural vaginal secretion. Vaginal gel moisturisers preserve the moisture and acidic balance of the vagina.

Vaginal gel moisturisers are intended for the non-hormonal relief of vaginal dryness. Depending on the severity of the vaginal dryness, they are applied regularly, either daily or every 2-3 days.

Vaginal gel moisturisers are ideal for women who are not necessarily sexually active but experience discomfort in the everyday and are also ideal for women having painful symptoms during sexual activity.

As vaginal gel moisturisers are used to hydrate the mucosa, they are usually water-based. They contain plant-based or synthetic gelling agents to bind the water to the mucosa. In addition, they can contain a wide range of other excipients to provide the appropriate viscosity, pH buffering and preservation.

What should you be aware of when choosing a suitable vaginal gel?

Not all vaginal gels are the same. The products you can buy in the shops have major differences that you should be aware of.

Why are natural vaginal gels recommended? In general, a product as physiologically similar to the natural vaginal secretion as possible is always recommended, as the use of vaginal medications can quickly lead to irritation to the vulva or inflammatory reactions in the mucosa.2

For this, a product aimed at vaginal application should be as natural as possible and be free from any potentially irritating additives and excipients, or those harmful to tissue. To ensure good compatibility, the osmolality and pH value should be optimally tailored to vaginal requirements.

Why is iso-osmolality important? The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) recommends only using water-based vaginal gels or lubricants which are iso-osmolal, as the barrier function of the vaginal mucosa can otherwise be impaired.3

Simply put, the osmolality determines the distribution of water between different systems. When it comes to vaginal gels, this means: A hyper-osmolar gel attracts water and can lead to mucosal irritations such as burning, a hot sensation and itching in the intimate area. The WHO defines 380 mOsm/kg as an upper limit for the osmolality of vaginal medications in order to minimise the risk of tissue damage.4

Many manufacturers do not specify this value and preparations available to buy far exceed this value. With menoelle® vaginal gel, you can be on the safe side. menoelle® vaginal gel has an osmolality of around 260 mOsm/kg and is thus iso-osmolal for vaginal tissue.

Why is compatibility with the pH value of the vaginal balance necessary?

The pH value is a measure for how acidic or basic a balance is. With a pH value of 3.8–4.5, the vaginal balance is relatively acidic, providing vaginal acid protection against vaginal infections.

the pH value of the vagina. If the pH value is too high or too low, the balance of natural vaginal flora can become disrupted, which can result in irritation or infection. Therefore when buying a vaginal gel, you should pay attention to products which have a compatible pH value, such as menoelle® vaginal gel.

pay attention to these 3 points when buying a vaginal gel:

  1. It should consist of natural components and should contain no or only few additives and excipients (such as parabens).
  2. It should comply with the recommended limits of osmolality.
  3. It should have a pH value compatible with the vaginal balance.

List of sources

(1) Mitchell CM, Reed SD, Diem S, et al. Efficacy of Vaginal Estradiol or Vaginal Moisturizer vs Placebo for Treating Postmenopausal Vulvovaginal Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med.2018;178(5):681–690.

(2) Behandlung der vulvovaginalen Atrophie/des urogenitalen Menopausensyndroms: Wie wichtig ist die Zusammensetzung von vaginalen Gleitmitteln und Feuchtigkeitscremes?“, erschienen in CLIMACTERIC, 2016 BD. 19, NR. 2, 151–161

(3) The 2020 genitourinary syndrome of menopause position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2020 Sep; 27(9):976-992

(4) Use and procurement of additional lubricants for male and female condoms: Advisory note, WHO/UNFPA/FHI360, 2012


menoelle® vaginal gel

Quickly relieves vaginal dryness and alleviates irritation, itching and burning.

  • menoelle® vaginal gel is a certified organic, water-based gel moisturiser and provides natural, lasting moisture to dry vaginal mucosa.
  • menoelle® vaginal gel results in effective, fast and lasting relief and ensures well-being in the intimate area.
  • menoelle® vaginal gel uses a patented technology and contains a natural gel adhesive made of plant-based polymers, which sticks to the vaginal walls and provides an up to three day moisture depot.
  • menoelle® vaginal gel was developed for sensitive vaginal flora, is iso-osmolal, has a pH value compatible with the vaginal balance and is free from hormones as well as any chemical ingredients that could be harmful to the skin.

Product details





Product details

  • A gentle, clear and natural bio-adhesive gel
  • Discreet, non-sticky, colourless, fragrance and taste free.
  • Matches the consistency and feeling of the natural lubrication
  • The correct pH for restoring and maintaining the protective acidity level in the vagina, fosters a healthy vaginal flora
  • Free from hormones
  • Free from any substances known to irritate mucous membranes, and free from ingredients such as glycerine, oil and petroleum-based products, parabens (hormone mimics) that may alter or damage the healthy vaginal flora
  • Gentle and natural, suitable even in cases of extreme sensitivity
  • Guaranteed pure with certified organic status
  • Safe for use with condoms made of latex and polyisoprene
  • Proven by health experts and by women to provide soothing,
  • safe and pleasant relief from the uncomfortable symptoms caused by vaginal dryness during menopause
  • A hormone-free, natural alternative to synthetic and chemical vaginal rehydration gels


Water, linseed extract*, aloe vera*, locust bean gum*, guar gum*, sodium chloride, xanthan gum, potassium sorbate, citric acid, phenoxyethanol.


* Certified organic ingredients. 95% organic. International patent protection.


Please note: menoelle® GEL is neither a spermicide nor a contraceptive. Detailed notes on its application can be found in the menoelle® GEL directions for use.

menoelle® GEL is a gentle, clear gel that can be simply applied and distributed with your fingers. You can therefore decide yourself how much and where you wish to apply it.

Application of 5 ml every two to three days is usually enough to keep the vaginal mucosa hydrated and comfortable. In cases of extreme dryness, the gel can initially be used more frequently (1x every one to two days), until there is an improvement.

When used regularly, menoelle® GEL can restore the vagina’s natural acid resistance.

Our recommendation to you!

menoelle® vaginal gel

The natural gel moisturiser for vaginal dryness

star star star star star

from 13,30 €



You can purchase menoelle® GEL from your local pharmacy.

You can also purchase menoelle® GEL online at menoelle, aponow, dm or Amazon.

What you should know about breast cancer screening

What you need to know about breast cancer screening

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is every woman’s nightmare. In Germany alone, around 75,000 women suffer from it, with one in every ten women getting breast cancer in their life, making the disease the most common form of cancer occurring in women.

Mamma carcinoma, as it is known in the medical world, can be treated, if it is detected early on. At an advanced stage. If metastases have already formed and the lymph nodes have been affected, the chances of being cured are usually greatly reduced, as is usual with all solid tumours.

In addition, as we get older, the risk of being infected with breast cancer rises proportionately. Over 80% of cases of breast cancer are found in women over 50, that is, women in the menopause.

While breast cancer screening cannot prevent breast cancer from occurring, it can help with detecting it as early as possible and treating it in time. You should therefore go for a breast cancer screening regularly.

What you need to know about breast cancer

Breast cancer is a hormone-related cancer. The female sex hormone, oestrogen, itself does not cause breast cancer, but it stimulates the growth of the tumour once it has formed. An anti-hormonal therapy involving inhibiting the formation or effect of oestrogen is therefore always a key part of treating breast cancer.

Risk factors scientifically proven to be associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer include:

Immutable factors:

Increasing age: Most cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women over 50.

Previous cases in the family: Cases of the illness in first-degree relatives (mother, sister, etc.) can indicate a certain pre-existing risk.

Starting menstruation at an early age and starting the menopause older; the long period determines the risk

Childlessness or first pregnancy at a later age

Not having breastfed

Controllable factors

1. Risk factors associated with lifestyle

  • Overweight and obesity: causes changes to the metabolism of the female sex hormones, resulting in increased
  • oestrogen production and oestrogen becomes increasingly deposited in body fat, mainly after the menopause.
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Lack of physical activity

2. Risk factors associated with hormonal preparations

  • Hormonal contraceptives (i.e. contraceptive pill)
  • HRT (hormone replacement therapy)

Medical screening measures

An annual breast screening check-up, where the gynaecologist checks the breasts and armpits, is recommended as early as the age of 30. In Germany, this is a service covered by state insurance.

Women between 50 and 69 are particularly at risk and are therefore invited to a mammography every 2 years, during which the breasts are X-rayed. For quality assurance purposes, a mammography is only performed in specialised facilities taking part in the German mammography screening programme.

In special cases, further screen measures are covered by state insurance, such as an ultrasound examination (sonography) and MRI. The services can vary depending on the health insurance company. Your doctor will be able to advise you in greater detail about what is advised for you and what costs are covered by your health insurance company.

An mammography for early cancer screening can, and that goes for all screening tests, also have disadvantages aside from the undisputed benefits. It can lead to excessive diagnoses or unconfirmed (false positive) suspected cases. However, this rarely occurs and in case of doubt, it is better to have a false positive diagnosis than to stick your head in the stand and avoid taking part in any screening measures.

Check yourself regularly

Feeling around the breasts is an easy way of doing something for your own preventive care. This self-exam can also help you to get to know your body better. The better you know each centimetre of your breasts, the faster you will notice any changes.

You should perform this self-exam, which only takes a few minutes, once a month. This should be done in the first week after your cycle. If you are no longer having periods, you can choose the time yourself. You should also always take a fixed day so that you don’t forget to feel around. The first day of the month is a good choice.


A self-exam only takes a little practice and the internet offers plenty of informative instructions on how to do it properly. Examples include the beautifully designed instructions from world boxing champion Regina Halmich and stunt woman Miriam Höller, which you can download and print out.

To sum up: Early detection is essential when it comes to cancer.

Therefore make use of the free medical check-ups:

  • Breast examination once a year
  • Mammography every 2 years
  • Self-exam once a month

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the faster, easier and more gently it can be treated.


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

Hormones during the menopause?

Hormones during the menopause?

What helps against complaints during the menopause? Should we take hormones and if so, how dangerous can they be? These questions are asked by many women that find themselves confronted with the unpleasant side effects of the menopause.

For a long time, it was assumed that a hormone replacement therapy can alleviate complaints after several months. To check this assumption, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in the USA launched a major study.

The menopause – A time which is associated with many symptoms in varying forms and severities for the majority of women, which sometimes substantially restrict quality of life. These can include hot flushes, excessing sweating, mood swings or vaginal dryness. Approximately 60% of women have such severe complaints that they look for effective treatment methods and even have to avail of medical advice.

For a long time, it was assumed that a hormone replacement therapy can alleviate complaints after several months. To check this assumption, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in the USA launched a major study.

Five and a half years later, there was a shock: Women taking hormones were not experiencing fewer heart attacks and strokes – the risk was even elevated in some cases. In parallel, the risk for thromboses and breast cancer increased. Although treatment with hormones can be sensible in some cases, women nowadays often first look for hormone-free products to counteract the side effects of the menopause.

More beautiful skin through menoelle® and EstroG-100®

More beautiful skin through menoelle® and EstroG-100®

When you choose menoelle®, you can solve two concerns at once. Not only will your menopausal complaints improve, but your complexion will also benefit. Oestrogen is primarily considered the female sex hormone, but is less known for being important for beautiful skin or, for example, bone health.

Menopausal complaints can greatly vary and impair quality of life in different ways.

Oestrogen and the complexion

Oestrogen makes the skin look healthier, mainly through three effects:

  • It activates the constant renewal and regeneration of the top skin layer,
  • mobilises the formation of collagen which is responsible for firmer skin,
  • and in doing so, ensures better water-binding capacity and thus greater firmness in the skin.

The pregnancy hormone progesterone also provides support by inhibiting the permanent breakdown of collagen by endemic enzymes.

During the menopause, the oestrogen level (and also that of progesterone) increasingly fall, causing the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin to drop. The skin becomes thinner, more sensitive and drier, while first wrinkles and pigment spots may form. This skin aging process is very individual and also depends on other factors such as sunlight exposure, smoking or environmental influences. In the same way, a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial way: Healthy diet, lots of exercise and plenty of UV protection have a positive effect on the complexion.

Another way of preventing this skin aging is early skincare with cosmetic products which are hydrating (such as with hyaluronic acid), rich in nourishing nutrients and lipids, and have an anti-aging effect.

But even with menoelle®, the complexion improves, as shown by two current studies with EstroG-100®, the active ingredient of menoelle®.

In a second study, women were asked how EstroG-100® affects their complexion.

  • More than half of all participating women stated that their skin was better hydrated when using EstroG-100®.
  • 42% of participants stated that their skin was more elastic.
  • One in five women stated that their skin looked smoother and more radiant.

We show you how to keep your love and sex life alive during the menopause!

We show you how to keep your love and sex life alive during the menopause!

It is surprising how easy it is to refresh your relationship! We have gathered some tips to help you enjoy your best years to the full.

Trust in your partnership!

Have you been living in a relationship for many years? This is a major advantage! Because over the years, trust also grows, and trust is a requirement for carefree sex for most women. There is no need to be ashamed of your desires and you can get your worries off your chest.

Moisturise your vagina!

To counteract vaginal dryness during the menopause and protect against friction during sexual intercourse, we recommend using a vaginal gel. This should be free from fragrances and preservatives! There are now also wonderful, hormone-free alternatives that are especially suitable for the menopause.

Enjoy self-pleasure!

When it comes to love and sex: Keep practicing, even without a partner. Numerous examinations indicate that you not only can balance tension from the stimulation and relaxation brought by climax, but also stimulate your metabolism and your hormone production. Here too, we recommend the use of a natural vaginal gel!

Take plenty of time at the start!

Studies show that menopausal women need more time for foreplay. So enjoy slow tenderness! Be inspired, for example, by Kama Sutra or by slow sex. In no way do you have to “flip through” the entire Kama Sutra to unfold new passion for each other. There are many ideas for how you can restore passion to your sex life.

Be self-determined!

Many women experience love in the second half of their lives in a much more relaxed way – everything is permitted, but not everything is necessary. Set yourself free from “sex pressure” and “orgasm chasing”. Enjoy cuddling – far more men enjoy it that you would think! And if it leads to more, then great.

You are beautiful!

Have you become more critical of yourself over the years? Many women are the same. You need to be aware that those little wrinkles do not have any effects on your sex life.

Accept yourself just as you are!

Because: Self-awareness is SEXY! In numerous psychosexual studies, heterosexual men were asked how they would like their partner to be. Across all age limits, men said that they value self-aware women with a positive attitude to their sexuality!

Green smoothies for your energy boost!

Green smoothies for your energy boost!

Are you getting your recommended portion of fruit and vegetables a day? Green smoothies are the perfect way to a healthy diet! The creamy juices from vegetables, herbs and fruit only exude vitamins and nutrients and usually quickly wake up your tired soul.

You can also refine your smoothie additionally with herbs such as cinnamon, vanilla, ginger or superfoods such as acai, matcha and maca powder and stimulate your metabolism!

Green smoothies are a good alternative for doing something good for your body!

Regular consumption helps to increase the plant-based portion in your daily diet and to supply your body in this way with the pooled power of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, green smoothies are easy for your stomach to digest and super delicious! They are therefore the perfect start to the day, especially if you want to get things moving quickly in the morning. They also promise a daily, unexpected flavour experience!

You should opt for seasonal and local fruit and vegetable varieties during preparation. Due to the shorter routes until processing, valuable vitamins and minerals do not fall by the wayside. If the offer is limited during the winter months, we also recommend using exotic fruits such as mango, banana or kiwi.

To start, the mixing ratio should be 60% fruit and 40% vegetables, as the flavour of the leaf green may be somewhat strange for you. Usually, you get used to the new flavour quickly and can quickly adjust the mixing ratio to 50:50.

Want an example of a tasty green smoothie?

Kale & pineapple smoothie

Wash the kale leaves thoroughly and chop coarsely. Then peel the pineapple, remove the stalk and dice the pulp. Add all ingredients to a blender with a splash of water, mix into a creamy smoothie and enjoy!

You can also refine your smoothie additionally with herbs such as cinnamon, vanilla, ginger or superfoods such as acai, matcha and maca powder and stimulate your metabolism!


What you need to know about the menopause

The menopause typically starts between the ages of 40 and 60. During the menopause, there are significant changes in the way the body produces hormones. This is a natural process, but it can be associated with a number of uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flushes, occasional excessive sweating, fatigue and tiredness that can have a negative effect on a woman’s quality of life.

Menopausal complaints can greatly vary and impair quality of life in different ways.

When the menopause arrives, it brings quite a few changes with it

The menopause is a new stage of life and not an illness. Many women discover the positive sides of this phase and look forward to the end of their periods. For them, it is the transition that is part of getting older, a time of changes in awareness, of upheaval and the start of a new beginning. They use the signals to reposition the switch in the middle of their life and ultimately make their dreams a reality. Just as puberty is a transition from girl to woman, in the menopause, we transition to a new phase of life. Everything is moving, inside and outside. Many things seem to go away and new things become attractive. The different ways women deal with this always depends on the woman’s individual life history. It is both a challenge and an opportunity. Find out more here about the treatment options for menopausal side effects.

Phases of the menopause

For many women, the menopause is a crucial time in their lives. The hormonal change may not only have effects on the body and emotions, but also on the quality of life, relationship to their partner or even professional life. The menopause is therefore a time of upheaval.

The menopause can be divided into four different phases: the premenopause, the perimenopause, the menopause and the postmenopause. The start of the menopause is marked by what is known as the premenopause. This can be seen in monthly periods becoming more irregular. Often, cycles become shorter and the periods occur at shorter intervals. During this phase, the first hormonal changes become clear. This can start as early as the age of 40.

Find out more here about the phases of the menopause.

Comfortable weight during the menopause

Comfortable weight during the menopause

Women often notice that they gain weight during the menopause, and like to blame their hormones. This is only partly true.

Women often notice that they gain weight during the menopause, and like to blame their hormones.

But the age-related weight gain can be counteracted by making a few life changes. The right weight is not only good for the self-confidence of each individual, but a normal weight or moderate overweight also comes with health benefits.

  • Food with low energy content & high nutrient content
    As we get older, above all else, food with a low energy content (and a high nutrient density) should be part of your meal plan. These are usually low-processed foods such as vegetables, salads, pulses, fruit, potatoes, wholegrain products, low-fat dairy products and lean meat. The positive side effect is that these foods have a high nutrient content, especially as important nutrients are no longer absorbed so well when we are older.
  • Proteins for muscle preservation
    Conscious consumption of protein products can partly prevent the breakdown of muscles. This does not always have to be animal protein, as many plant-based foods also contain valuable protein. Good supplies of protein are fish, lean meat, beans, peas, lentils, low-fat milk and dairy products, soy products, nuts and vegetables such as spinach, green beans and broccoli or even cress and mushrooms.
  • Avoid food with high energy density
    For breakfast, readymade muesli or cornflakes, for lunch a quick hamburger, Italian pizza or pasta with creamy sauce and some some nice ciabatta to go with it in the evening. And in between, a few sweets, snacks in front of the TV, perhaps even an alcoholic beverage. Like many other high-processed foods, these calorie bombs usually offer nothing except empty calories and should be enjoyed as sparingly as possible.
  • Sport and exercise
    Moderate sport and sufficient exercise do good in every phase of life. They stimulate the metabolism, increase metabolic rate, boost energy consumption and avoid or reduce overweight. At the same time, sport has a mood-boosting effect; you simply feel better.

Hot flushes during the menopause – What to do?

Hot flushes during the menopause – What to do?

Hitzewallungen, vermehrtes Schwitzen und Nachtschweiß gehören zu den häufigsten Begleiterscheinungen in den Wechseljahren. Hitzewallungen sind eine Reaktion des Körpers auf den sinkenden Östrogenspiegel und treten vor allem in der Anfangszeit der Wechseljahre auf. Im Laufe der Zeit legen sie sich wieder.

Hitzewallungen in den Wechseljahren – viele Frauen werden damit konfrontiert.

Hitzewallungen beginnen meist im Brustbereich und breiten sich wie eine heiße Welle über den Hals und Kopf in die Oberarme aus. Das Herz schlägt schneller und es kann zu Hautrötungen und Schweißausbrüchen kommen. Die Episoden sind üblicherweise relativ kurz und dauern meist nur wenige Minuten, allerdings können sie mehrmals am Tag auftreten. Hitzewallungen sind letztlich vor allem lästig und unangenehm. Was also tun?

Als einfache Regel gilt:
  • Möglichst alles vermeiden, was Hitzewallungen begünstigt. Also sind Genussmittel wie Kaffee, schwarzer Tee, Alkohol und Zigaretten sowie scharfe Gewürze wie Ingwer oder Chili oder auch schweres Essen zu meiden oder reduzieren. Auch Übergewicht kann zu leichterem Schwitzen führen, deshalb ist es günstig, Normalgewicht zu halten oder anzustreben. Und vielleicht hilft es, den Kleidungsstil anzupassen, eine flexible Kleidung (der sogenannte Zwiebellook) lässt sich leichter anpassen als zu warme, dicke Kleidung. Ebenso sind Naturfasern besser geeignet als synthetisches Material.
  • Gleichzeitig für eine gesunde Lebensweise mit ausgewogener Ernährung und mit ausreichend Bewegung und Yoga für Ausgleich und Entspannung sorgen.
    Optimal ist eine leichte Ernährung mit viel Gemüse und Obst und ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr (am besten mindestens 2 Liter Mineralwasser oder ungesüßten Tee täglich). Positiv wirkt sich auch Bewegung und Sport aus, sei es im Alltag (mal auf das Auto oder den Aufzug verzichten) oder beim Walken, Radfahren, Spazierengehen oder Wandern. Zum gezielten Stressabbau und für Entspannung eignen sich beispielsweise Yoga, autogenes Training oder Tai Chi.
  • Tipp bei übermäßigem Schwitzen und Nachtschweiß: Salbei
    Salbei ist als aromatisches Gewürz aus der mediterranen Küche durch Gerichte wie Saltimbocca bekannt. Salbei ist auch eine wertvolle Heilpflanze und hilft nicht nur bei Entzündungen im Mund- und Rachenraum, sondern auch bei vermehrtem Schwitzen. Dazu einfach täglich morgens und abends eine Tasse Salbeitee trinken, wobei gegen Nachtschweiß kalter Salbeitee besser geeignet ist.
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This time, our brave interview partners talk about specific menopausal complaints.

Menopause: A testimonial by our customer Michaela

Menopause: A testimonial by our customer Michaela

Meno-what? I think I’m going through the menopause! So, now I’ve said it. It’s out. Now what? He looks at me as if he’d like to do nothing more than disappear.

Him: “And what does that mean?” Hmm? That’s a damn good question. I look at him, he looks at me. Two adults who have had and almost fully raised two children and we have no idea how to answer this question, not even me…

“And what does that mean?”

I make a decision there and then that I’ll go to the doctor and stability starts to return. The doctor is a professional. He’ll know what to do. He knows what he’s doing and will tell me what’s going on. It feels strange. Is it not my body? Do I really need a professional to explain it to me? I feel somewhat helpless. “Should I come with you?” he asks. “Well, I’m not sick,” I answer. Is that true?

The doctor confirms it, I’m not sick. Menopause is completely normal. Blah blah blah. Not for me. I will get more symptoms, such as hot flushes – just wonderful, right in the middle of summer.

And then there’s the sex thing. He and I have been together for 20 years. Sometimes more, sometimes less sex, sometimes better, sometimes worse. We have gone through pregnancies and children, stolen minutes and hours away at all kinds of places. For the first time in years, we have time for each other again. We have morning sex again!

And now here’s another obstacle that we’re going to have to deal with, that I’m going to have to deal with.

The menopause isn’t really filling me with excitement right now.

My doctor recommends some reading material to me, talks about a new phase of life, a change that’s more than just physical. I’m just tired and want everything to stay as it was.

When I come home, he’s there. In the middle of the day. He’s taken the day off and is waiting for me. He’s spent all morning reading about the menopause. Then he takes my arm and I start crying. A bit like with my first period. Back then, I cried on my mother’s shoulders. Or during my first pregnancy. Everything was different and new and I wasn’t ready. My first period was almost 40 years ago and since then, my body and I have been through so much. I now wear the scars and signs of the times with a different kind of ease, even with pride and love. And when I think about it, I now know what’s most important. I have to listen to myself, understand my body and my needs and be kind to myself – physically, mentally and spiritually, I need to let myself be me. I’ll help myself to be helped and go along with this new chapter of my story, which will be part of me like all the others before it.

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This time, our brave interview partners talk about specific menopausal complaints.


The menoelle editorial team would like to thank our customer Michaela for the testimonial that she posted us. We are always delighted to receive ideas, suggestions and testimonials from our customers.

Share your story


menoelle® menopause tablets can be purchased in dm, Rossmann, Müller, BUDNI and Globus branches.

menoelle® menopause tablets can also be purchased online at menoelle, aponow, dm, Rossmann, Müller, Amazon.

„The new hormone-free alternative during the menopause.“


„Women going through the menopause swear by this product.“


„The new EstroG-100® plant extract works during the menopause.“